It's no secret that Pendrell Hall in Codsall Wood has a special place in my heart when it comes to wedding venues. It ticks absolutely every box and the staff make working a wedding day there an absolute pleasure. So when Rachel and Russ got in touch and I went to have a chat with them about their wedding, I was looking forward to the opportunity to work there again. When they told me their plans for the theme of their day, well - I may have just been the tiniest bit excited!
Rachel and Russ planned a Masquerade themed wedding day - think Phantom of the Opera, teals, purples, blacks and silvers, with a splash of peacock-themed decorations thrown in! So much for me to get stuck into with the camera on the morning of the wedding - they'd thought of everything and the venue looked amazing; from the little peacock feathers sat in the chair sashes to the personalised masks for all of their guests which were laid out on the wedding breakfast tables ready for the reception.
Pendrell Hall offered the perfect setting for all of this with its dark wood panelled rooms, soft LED lighting in the the evening and fairy lit outdoors to compliment their evening shots and the sparkler arch to complete the night.
It was absolutely one of the highlights of my wedding career and one I won't be forgetting in a hurry :)
Here are a few shots from the day...