Holly & Matt's Digbeth Wedding

July 25, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

July! Without a doubt my busiest month of this year. To kick it all off, Holly and Matt tied the knot in Birmingham on the 1st.

Now, living in Worcestershire, the majority of my weddings take place in country houses, manors and the like. Think rolling hills, fields, rural scenery...we have a lot of green in Worcestershire! And it's great! I love living here - I've always been a country girl and that will probably never change.

So, when a city wedding comes my way, it's easy to get a little bit apprehensive about how I'm going to shoot it; what's the scenery going to be like? Are there going to be cars and people everywhere? Well, yes of course there are - but this is what makes these city weddings so dynamic and amazing to shoot. Sure, I have to think about it a little more, weigh up the pros and cons of specific areas to shoot in, consider my backgrounds and distractions. One thing I've learned over the past few years is to embrace my locations and make them work with me, instead of trying to figure out how I can perhaps make them "prettier". Pretty is not always about green fields and mountain backgrounds...

Holly and Matt got married at the popular Fazeley Studios in Digbeth; a fascinating venue with an abundance of history and culture. It's also a stone's throw away from the Custard Factory in the centre of Birmingham, perhaps one of the most colourful areas of the city I know. After Holly's morning prep at the stunning Hotel La Tour, the day unfolded beautifully to include a bright and classy civil ceremony, reception drinks in a beautifully renovated 19th century Unitarian Chapel, portraits amongst the impressive street art and some pretty impressive moves on the guests' part on the dance floor. Holly and Matt also hired my photo booth for their evening reception which went down an absolute storm!

Here's just a little snippet of their day in pictures.



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